Executive Coaching and Leadership Development

Your company’s success depends on your being at the top of your game; you owe it to yourself and others to remain as sharp and effective as possible.

Ask yourself: who does the boss talk to? Who will challenge me to be the best I can be? Who will question my perspective? My decisions?

Does your team express their real misgivings or feelings?

Our Coaching Relationship

I have experience working with lawyers, doctors and even chaplains, and understand that those responsible for others also need someone to talk through their issues with.

One of my favourite models is the idea that the brain can be divided into two parts: the doing brain and the daydreaming brain. The latter is where the magic happens. The doing brain will focus on all the niff-naff of daily life. I can give you the space to listen to it, because if you don’t allow yourself the space to do so, all of your efforts will go into servicing the daily ‘busyness’.

Leadership Training

“Being a leader, is like being a father: some care for their team or family, some don’t.” This was a very perspicacious observation from a friend of mine. With my experience as a flying instructor, coaching supervisor and teaching leadership at every level, I can help you develop the leaders within your team to be able to step up to the mark and perform. An organisation thrives when its leadership cares for the team and task.